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Support Restore financially

Unfortunately, we can’t leave Restore’s funding needs in the hands of Father Christmas!

Although we are reliant on grant making charitable trusts to meet the bulk of Restore’s expenditure, we are hugely grateful to individuals and local churches that support Restore’s work financially. Standing orders in 2024 brought in over £20,000.

Volunteers and staff have taken on community fundraising challenges, most recently a half-marathon and a 25-hour sponsored silence.  Other ideas could be a sponsored swim, tea party, plant sale, donations in lieu of birthday gifts……  If you have an idea, we can help you set up a fundraising page, please contact Jeremy, Restore’s Manager on

These ways of raising money provide us with a diversity of funding sources which is looked on favourably by charitable trusts.

In 2024, we were very grateful for the financial support of grant making trusts including Barrow Cadbury Trust, National Lottery Awards for All, the Inclusive Communities Fund (via Heart of England Community Foundation), Hilden Trust, Eveson Trust, Roughley Trust, Cole Charitable Trust, the George Henry Collins Charity,  Bishop Radford Trust, Grimmitt Trust, John Avins Trust, Henry James Sayer Charity and Richard Kilcuppe’s Charity.

Restore annual budget for 2025 is £173,365.

There are different ways to donate to Restore, including:

Bank transfer

Should you or your community group wish to support Restore, please note our bank details below:

CAF Bank

Account name:  Birmingham Churches Together – Restore

Sort code: 40-52-40

Account number: 00087958

If you pay tax and are able to Gift Aid your donation, please download our form: Restore Gift Aid form  If you would like to set up a Standing Order, please download our form: Restore Standing Order form

Online giving form via the Wonderful fundraising platform

Please follow the instructions below to give a one-off donation. The Wonderful fundraising platform does not take an admin charge from your donation, so all of your donation goes to Restore.


Restore Gift Aid and Standing Order Forms

Please click here to download our forms:

Restore Gift Aid form

Restore Standing Order form


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