Befriending is at the core of Restore’s work. Befriending is a service provided by trained volunteers to offer support and encouragement to refugees and asylum seekers who have experienced loss and trauma and are attempting to rebuild their lives in Birmingham. We hope that those we work with will be able to say: “I was a stranger and you welcomed me.” So we start with welcoming strangers and aim to help their integration into wider society.
Restore’s befriending scheme involves the training and matching of volunteers with asylum seekers to provide one-to-one support. People supported by Restore are referred by health professionals, refugee support agencies (e.g. Freedom from Torture) and fellow refugees and asylum seekers.
In 2024, Restore made 50 new befriending matches. At the end of 2024, we supported 98 ongong befriending relationships.
“You can’t always make it better but you can make a difference.” (Restore befriender). We cannot wipe away the fear and pain refugees and those seeking sanctuary experienced in their home countries and rarely can we influence Home Office decisions that will shape their futures. However, we can provide a listening ear; consistent and caring contact; opportunities to develop conversational English skills; and our desire to understand and walk alongside refugees and asylum seekers on their journey in Birmingham.
Asylum seekers and befrienders alike express appreciation of the benefits of the relationship:
“Befrienders are excellent at providing the invisible things like just showing you around, providing company, giving you a feeling of normal life.” (asylum seeker)
“Meeting my befriender has helped me a lot. She has helped me to improve my English. She brings me books to read and takes time to explain to me anything I don’t understand in the books. She listens to me when I have problems and gives me advice.” (asylum seeker)
“What a difficult thing it is being an asylum seeker. Watching how she copes and her spirit is an inspiration to me. Her friendship is one of my daily blessings!” (befriender)
Each befriending relationship is different, but some of the key aims include:
Restore needs more befrienders.
Our next training course is on Saturday 8 February 2025
If you have any questions about befriending please email Jasmine, our Befriending Coordinator.
You can also follow our social media pages, where we regularly post information about befriending. See below for some of our latest posts.
Do you know somebody who you think would benefit from Restore’s befriending service? You can refer somebody to us, and we’ll be in touch with them to give them more information about how we can help them.
Click here to use our online referral form.
Click here for a downloadable referral form.
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It’s great to hear stories like this. 🙌🙌🙌 Keep on reading for a recent quote from one of our befriendees, who has…
Posted by Restore on Friday, 26 February 2021
The next training course for befrienders will take place in the summer. Email us for more information.
Keep an eye on our social media for the dates of future training courses (Facebook, Instagram and Twitter).